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What is Whisper?

This Bovine Respiratory Disease confirmation system uses an electronic stethoscope to capture lung sounds. Through computer-aided analytics, Whisper uses that sound reading to communicate the severity of the lung condition on a scale of one to five.How does Whisper work?

How does Whisper work?

The sensor head on the device listens to certain frequencies of sound generated by cattle lungs and determines the probability of mortality from the animal’s pneumonia condition. This information allows you to treat the animal according to its sickness level.What should the distance be between the Whisper stethoscope and the receiver/transmitter?

What should the distance be between the Whisper stethoscope and the receiver/transmitter?

The stethoscope and the receiver/transmitter that is plugged into the USB of the computer should be within 15 feet of each other for best performance. An extension USB cord is included to all for maximized positioning.Where do I use Whisper?

Where do I use Whisper?

Use this system in the feedyard hospital on animals pulled from the pen because the cattle displayed signs of BRD.How much does Whisper cost?

How much does Whisper cost?

The system is sold as a monthly subscription with free software updates according to the size of the feedyard capacity and occupancy. Contact your local Merck Animal Health rep to inquire about installing Whisper your feedlot hospital pen.

Ask your local Merck Animal Health rep or your veterinarian how you can purchase Whisper.